the maine meow
the maine meow
cat litter for your classy companion

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 Dancing partner. Mouse catcher. Unofficial therapist. Fur baby. Excuse to ditch plans. Best friend (we won’t tell your human best friend). Netflix companion. Bad day eraser. Bug eater. New date sizer-upper. Whatever role your cat fills in your life, they’re more than just a pet. And we get that. So, let’s hear it for the crazy cat people. The people who know that a cat is more than just a pet, they’re a member of the family. Whether you have one cat or six (we won’t judge), they deserve the best all-natural litter you can find - and that’s where we come in!

We make our high-quality cat litter pellets with 100% Eastern White Pine … and that’s it! No additives, no chemicals, nothing unpronounceable. We do one thing, and we do it right. Because you think your cat deserves the best, and we agree.